This one is going wayyy back to one of the first guys I ever shot in 2005. If you like 'em with a bit of that deer-in-the-headlights look, this one is a "classic" shoot for you!
I had met 20 y/o Sean online where he'd run an ad looking for a couple to hook up with. When I hit him up about getting naked on camera, he jumped right at the chance, saying that he'd always dreamed of being in porn.
As it turned out he was pretty nervous when he showed up. Dreaming about being in porn and actually being in porn apparently wasn't quite the same experience. He'd done some webcamming before, but even that hadn't quite prepared him for the lights and cameras.
Nevertheless, I gave him some time alone in the room and he was able to get hard with some porn playing in the background. He had been saving up for a couple days beforehand, so the cumshot was nice juicy. Afterward, he let out a big "whew!" and chuckled at the thought that he'd made it to the finish line.