Darren is a cute 23 y/o Southern cub I met at the local gay pride festival. He was looking through porn DVDs with his boyfriend when I spotted him and asked if he'd ever thought about doing porn himself.
Darren's eyes lit up as he looked back at me and asked, "Are you serious?!?"
The next day he was knocking on the door, ready for his first ever porn shoot. His BF came along, too, but waited in the other room while Darren shed his clothes for the cameras.
It was a little nerve-racking for Darren getting hard for his scene. He's got a thick cock, though, even before it started stroking it, and it only got bigger when he was playing with it.
For his grande finale, Darren called in his BF to put on a show for him. That seemed to do the trick. Darren was spewing his cum onto his belly in no time.